Friday, October 17, 2008

'The Mother in Me' book release party and Nie fundraiser!

Many of you already know about the fundraising efforts and support in behalf of Stephanie and Christian Nielson, author of the NieNie Dialogues, and her family. (If you haven't heard, please read our post about how the online community is rallying around this family in their time of need.) I just heard about a book release party for The Mother in Me: Real World Reflections on Growing into Motherhood, a "collection of writings [that] celebrates the season of mothering young children, illustrating its unique challenges and delights, and revealing its deep significance," and I wanted to pass the info along.

The book is a compilation of works from talented women and talks about everything from health crises to sanity crises and "the fruits of such struggles: insights gained, hearts expanded, and faith increased." The release party is
Saturday, October 18th from 2pm to 4pm at the Deseret Bookstore in Orem, Utah. All royalties from the sale of this book will go to the Stephanie and Christian Nielson Recovery Fund.

Even if you can't be there in person you can still participate by buying the book online from Deseret Book's website on Saturday, the 18th. (Please shop at Deseret Book as the fundraiser does
not include purchases from You can read more about the release party on c jane enjoy it.

If you haven't yet had a chance to donate or purchase a product whose proceeds benefit the cause, this is a wonderful opportunity to do so. The Mother in Me sounds like the
perfect Christmas gift for friends and family this season. Get your holiday shopping done early and support a worthy cause while doing so! --Emily

1 comment:

Jeanette Millward said...

I've been following Nie's story for a few weeks. My heart goes out to her beautiful family. She is a great example of finding joy in motherhood and the little things in life.