If you’d love to dress your little one like the rock star she is but aren’t willing to sell your front-row Timberlake tickets to do so, then Mockstar Baby is your backstage pass to rockin' baby clothes at a nosebleed-seat price.
Mockstar Baby, which offers "random deals at a chaotic pace," is similar to the popular site Steep and Cheap. If you're not familiar with Steep and Cheap, the concept is this: the site features one fabulous deal at a time until the inventory (often very limited) sells out. As soon as one deal is gone, another one is listed immediately. This happens 24/7 at a break-neck pace. From Hurley tees ($11 instead of $18) to Roxy hoodies (I was too slow to miss this deal--dang!), the deals are fast and furious--and fabulous!If you find your day already filled to online capacity with Twitter, Facebook and actual work, Mockstar Baby's got you covered with their Get the Poop desktop alert. Simply download the alert and you'll receive instant alerts as soon as new products are available. If you're MIA for a while you can even find out which new products you missed. I'm not sure I need this feature--I hate hearing about what I've missed! Like when my friends went to The Police concert at Usana Ampitheater and all I got were some dumb Facebook photos...But I digress (as usual)...
Mockstar Baby also has a blog, and though it's a fun read--especially for parents who remember the first X Games--their audience is parents of infants and toddlers. They might want to rethink their recent post:
... It’s time to break out the hoodies and beanies to battle the pre-snow mornings…oh hell ya!! Got a bitchen hoody or jacket to hang on your kids? If not…we’ll hook you up!Kind of reminds me of those 40-something moms who are trying so desperately to dress and act like their teenage daughters. But if they're determined to keep their blog's rock-star edge they could at least spell "bitchin'" correctly. ;)
Blog aside, Mockstar Baby is not just another passing fad like high-waist pants (I seriously hope this is a very quickly passing fad...). This up-and-coming site is your ticket to sweet clothes at a super sweet price. Now all you have to worry about are the groupies your new mockstar baby is sure to attract! --Emily
good find! I just don't know if i would purchase those for the baby...
I Can't help but feel like you are kind of bashing this website because they are a competitor to georgietees.....That isn't very humble of you.
Actually, I am a fan of Mockstar Baby and no, they aren't really a competitor of ours. The lines they carry attract a different sort of audience than ours and their prices are much lower. I think they have really cool stuff. georgie tees only carries its own clothing line and doesn't feature any other brands. I actually know and like the owners of Mockstar Baby, so no bashing here!
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