As mompreneurs many of us blog, whether we've tied the blog to our business or blogging is our business. If you're not a programmer the standard templates offered by Blogspot and WordPress often leave something to be desired, so today's mompreneur monday highlights a few fun sites offering free blog backgrounds and templates. Without some color your blog is just "blah!"
Blogspot backgrounds
- The Cutest Blog on the Block--great backgrounds and even some blog secrets.
- Leelou Blogs--spread the love by adding her button to your site; also offers custom blog design.
- Blogger & Blogspot Templates--kind of a clearinghouse of sites offering Blogspot backgrounds
- Blogger Templates--check out the "At World's End" template...pretty cool!
- Blogger Buster: "125 More Excellent Blogger Templates"--The post dates back to August but that doesn't mean these designs aren't fresh!
WordPress themes
- "100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes"--great blog post highlighting the best of the best (I guess, since I know very little about WordPress...)
- Top WordPress Themes--not sure if these are the top but there are some really fun ones
I struggled a bit to find WordPress themes so if you have a great resource please share! Happy blogging! --Emily
Those are so great resources. Thanks:-)
This is a great list of resources. Thanks for putting it together!
Welcome, Susan! Glad to have you!
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