Though I still have a long way to go I am trying to go green wherever and whenever I can. Yes, I have room for improvement (more like a 4-bedroom house) but every little bit helps and that's what I'm banking on. I'll be the first to admit my preconception about "going green" is probably not a fair one (cleaning products that don't really clean, an unsightly mini composter on my kitchen counter), but it is slowly changing as I come across more and more companies that are making going green a fashionable endeavor. Yes, "green" is slowly becoming the new black and sites like EcoStiletto are leading the movement.
EcoStiletto is an eco-friendly site geared toward women...but it's not about vegan heels. Their tagline reads: "Stiletto-size your carbon footprint and change the world, one small step at a time." Some of you may not know what the term "carbon footprint" means. Here's what says:
A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.Basically it's the effect your activities have on the environment. Going green is all about shrinking your carbon footprint and having as little negative effect on your surroundings as possible--at least that's my understanding.
But back to EcoStiletto. The site is all about changing your Ugg-boot-size carbon footprint to one that is either nonexistent or at the very least the tiniest of Manolo stilettos. The site features eco-friendly choices in a variety of areas including fashion, beauty, parenting and even entertainment. I love this quote from their About Us page:
We're not about guilt, we're about information. We're not about forcing you to change, we're about giving you alternatives. Because everyone wants to make a difference, but no one wants to give up the little things that we love. Making a difference doesn't have to mean making a huge change in your lifestyle. Sometimes it just means considering the alternatives.

"EcoStiletto is for the woman who wants to do the right thing and still look good doing it." That quote comes courtesy of Kelly Rutherford from Gossip Girl. (I'm not into Gossip Girl but from what I gather, if Kelly endorses something it's worth taking note.) With EcoStiletto, going green has never looked so good! --Emily
1 comment:
OH this MADE MY DAY! Thank you Emily!!! I'm so glad you found EcoStiletto and (seem to) love it as much as we do! Make sure to sign up for the contest, we're giving away $500 worth of eco-friendly shoes each month. This month's contest ends on Saturday and there are two GORGEOUS pairs of vegan heels to check out... And you'll never believe what we found for March! xoRachel
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