Wednesday, April 2, 2008

how to what?

Hey, we're all super moms and we know EVERYTHING, but sometimes we still have questions about how to do things. is perfect in finding information about anything from family, finance, career, fashion, gardening, grooming your pets, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

With feature articles like tips on how to drive long distances. Which is great because with warmer weather usually comes more vacation time. Even if your not driving they have tips on traveling by airplane, cruise, train, or... maybe a hot air balloon? (Okay that might be pushing it), but they think of pretty much everything.

Find fun facts! For example, last month they featured articles about coffee in tribute to Caffeine Awareness Month (I had no idea there was a whole month devoted to caffeine!) Did you know that used coffee grounds are great for compost? They can be used as mulch, and the dark color heats up the ground and adds nutrients to the soil as they break down. Also, it works as a great deterrent to pests like slugs and snails that don't like the gritty texture and smell. If your not a coffee drinker there are ways to find some, such as local coffee shops, or work.

So learn something new everyday, whether you are looking for an answer to a question or you're just curious, this site is sure to offer you something helpful and fun.--LeShan


Anonymous said...

Cool link. I had actually never heard of it before. And the coffee ground tip was spot on for me. I just started looking into composting. Thanks!

BTW, I found your site through Boutique Cafe's Market.

the girls of gt said...

Thanks for stopping by! Glad you found to site helpful.