Monday, April 7, 2008

focusing on the "mom" in "mompreneur"

Usually I would have a new post rarin' and ready to go the night before but instead I spent last night watching The Game Plan with my family. (I have to confess I love The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson!) When I first headed downstairs to watch the movie thoughts of all I had yet to accomplish filled my mind and threatened to distract me from enjoying the moment, but I pushed those aside and reminded myself blog posts and product reviews could wait until the morning. And nothing was more important than spending time with the fam. Sure, it was just a movie but it had been a long time since Mom had joined everyone in the newly finished home theater, a favorite family hangout.

I do have a point and it does have to do with our mompreneur monday feature. Look at the word "mompreneur" and you'll notice what comes first. It is not "entrepremom" and I think that's for a very good reason. Those of us who balance motherhood and business ownership often need to remind ourselves being a mom is our most important "job." I am guiltier than most of making time for the computer but not for my kids. And I have found when "mom" follows behind "entrepreneur" everyone, including Mom, suffers. It's only when we focus on what really matters (our family) that everything falls into place. It may mean a few later-than-we'd-like nights but it's worth it if our family feels like they are placed far above our email Inbox on our list of priorities.

As much as I enjoy georgie tees and Boutique Cafe (I'd go nuts without these outlets) I'd hate to wake up someday and realize I'd missed out on enjoying my family. If you're like me and need to be reminded now and then to put family first, let this be your reminder. Today put "mom" first and "entrepreneur" second; you might be surprised how happier everyone is--including Mom. --Emily

Update: Vicki has a fabulous post on her blog Simply Vicki. Take a minute for another reminder about what's most important and read Parenting is Unrewarding? It's a minute--or two--very well spent.


Anonymous said...

Wow, great minds think alike. I wrote a post similar to this for my Mommy Mondays.

You are right, putting our family first is most important. And you are definitely right on about Dwayne Johnson, that movie was hilarious. I love his whole "it's mine" tantrum over the towel. Too funny.

the girls of gt said...

Funny you mentioned that scene--it was one of my favorites! I loved your post on Simply Vicki. I'm going to update my post so I can link to yours. It's definitely worth reading. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the link. I am glad you enjoyed the post.

BTW, I found your blog through Boutique Cafe's market place. :-)