Thursday, November 19, 2009

Boutique Cafe: "Are you ready for your closeup?"

Sometimes posting on multiple sites can get a bit crazy but on days like today I am super glad I do. It means if I was up super late working on client press releases and a Boutique Cafe post the night before and didn't get a post ready for freshly baked, I can easily type up a quick blurb like this one and link you to my recap of Startup Princess' recent Image & Media Academy. And that's exactly what I'm going to do:

Thanks to Seth Jenks (@SethJenks) from APX Alarm I was able to attend part of this fabulous event and joined 20 or so other women at a cabin in Sunday for a night of inspiration, renewal and serious note taking. You can read all about it on

I'll be back tomorrow with a recipe for this super tasty tangy pork roast I cooked the other night. It was a hit and the leftovers? Yummy! --Emily

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