Wednesday, August 6, 2008

discover your child's language acquisition skills with a simple "quiz"

The Savvy Source, one of the most informative websites about preschools in the country, recently partnered with a gold standard non-profit with rock solid expertise in early childhood education to create a diagnostic tool for parents to discover where their children (between the ages of 2 and 6) are developmentally.

Based on results of this quiz, parents receive a customized list of recommend books, toys and free activities developmentally appropriate for their child.
LeapFrog, one of my favorite educational toy companies, is sponsoring the widget that starts you on your way to learning your child's language acquisition skills. You can find the widget by scrolling down and checking out the right-hand side of our blog.

Savvy "loves the tool (as a company full of moms of young kids) because in the process of taking the quiz, parents become better parents and begin to understand what the different stages of growth are for their toddlers and preschoolers." I always enjoy learning a little more about where my children are when it comes to language skills. Just because I understand what my 2-year-old is saying doesn't mean everyone else does! --Emily

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