Monday, February 11, 2008

Mom 4 Life's Heather Ledeboer helps explain the cost of mom-made items

For mompreneur monday I want to highlight a blog post Heather Ledeboer from Mom 4 Life wrote last week. "Why do some mom-made items cost so much?" provides much-needed insight to help customers understand a little more as to why prices are often higher for mom-made items than what you'll find in big box stores.

If you are like me you are a bargain shopper. You love to find good deals and save money. But if you are like me you also prefer to support the little guy (or in my case mom) rather than the big box stores whenever possible. This concept can be great in theory, but at times it seems that the two don't always work well together. Do you ever wonder why mom made items sometimes seem to cost so much? ... Here is my crash course on mommy business 101 that will attempt to answer this question.
Heather goes on to talk about everything from start-up costs and materials to growing a business and selling through retailers. If you've ever questioned the pricing of mom-made items or products from a mom-owned business, then "Why do some mom-made items cost so much?" is a must-read article. You can read the full article on the Mom 4 Life blog, Sharing the Journey. --Emily

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