Every now and then I scroll through the spam in my spam folder to make sure nothing was accidentally filed away that should've hit my Inbox. Once in a while I come across a subject line that makes me laugh out loud, and today I found one:
"Chocoholic squirrel [steals] treats from Finnish shop"
How can you not click on the attachment? Okay, I really didn't click on the attachment--I'm not that stupid--but I did chuckle as I emptied my spam folder, something which I don't do very often.
Do you have a winning subject line from a recent spam email? And I'm not talking about the all-too-common mystery shopper, Britney Spears photo, trouble in bed spam emails. If you have one that beats the rest, do share! I'm sure this will be the first post of many as I've had some real winners. Why didn't I think of posting them before?!?! --Emily
Image by PR13RAK, shared via Flickr.
How can you not click on the attachment? Okay, I really didn't click on the attachment--I'm not that stupid--but I did chuckle as I emptied my spam folder, something which I don't do very often.

Image by PR13RAK, shared via Flickr.
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