Today's take it off tuesday highlights the growing trend of incorporating yoga into your fitness regimen. I have done yoga off and on for the past few years and love, love, LOVE it! Though Wednesdays are currently my power yoga days, I ought to do it more often and not just because it feels good once I'm done. When I practice yoga regularly I find I am more aware of my posture, my flexibility increases along with my confidence, and though it may sound a little cheesy I do feel more centered (i.e. I have more patience with my kids).
Yoga is gaining in popularity for those same reasons and more. I love the recent article Yoga Your Own Way from Fitness magazine:
...Experts say yogic breathing techniques can help insomniacs sleep better and ease anxiety and depression. Still other research shows that people who practice yoga lose weight and maintain a healthy weight more easily than those who don't practice yoga. And if that's not enough to make you do some sun salutations, a consistent yoga practice can also lead to a healthier heart in just six weeks, according to a Yale University School of Medicine study.I had no idea about the healthier heart or the insomnia. Perhaps my husband should start a little yoga so I don't have to serve as his "woobie" at bedtime!

If you'd rather use yoga as a great way to relax before bed or before you head to work, you'll find a variety of wonderful DVDs on Whether you're practicing yoga to drop a few pounds or decompress after a long day, your mind, body and spirit will thank you! --Emily
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