In the past on this blog we would do a "thankful thursday" post. It's been a really long time since we've had one and the recent devastation in Haiti (due to a 7.0 earthquake) reminded me how very blessed I am. I wish it didn't take a disaster to put things in perspective but that's often what happens.Who cares if I have purple crayon all over my walls? At least I have four walls that make a home for our family. So what if my foot sticks to the floor when walking through they kitchen? At least we have food on the table along with the floor. My furnace may make really strange sounds in the middle of the night but it keeps my family warm. And though my girls may use up all the hot water when they shower, there's more where that came from.
My heart goes out to those affected by the recent earthquake, both in Haiti and around the world. But a heart can only do so much; that's why I'm so glad Cool Mom Picks promptly put up a post outlining a variety of ways in which you can donate your time, money and supplies:
I chose to go with Direct Relief International since every penny I donate goes directly to relief efforts already underway in this earthquake-ravaged area but there are plenty of other options and resources.
My friend Sarah over at Cable Car Couture also mentioned another option for those looking to help. In "Contribute Aid for Haiti Earthquake Victims" Sarah highlights a local Utah business owner who is partnering with Healing Hands for Haiti in gathering donations. Vanessa from I Never Grew Up (one of my fave blogging girlfriends) also has a few links to other organizations. You can catch those links in her post here.
And the efforts don't stop there. Take a few minutes to count your blessings...and then count out a few dollars or a few hours of your time to help those in need. Every little bit helps. --Emily
P.S. If you check the comments below, my friend Kalli (My Life as Kalli) is organizing a quilting bee here in Utah and could use donations. Please read her comment for more info and donate if you can!
P.P.S. Allison from Petit Elefant just posted about a fabulous auction our mutual friend Alma is having on her Ollibird site to benefit victims of the recent earthquake. Some fabulous prints and some fabulous prices on Photoshop and Illustrator classes (if you live in Utah). Check it out!
Image by alandd, shared via Flickr.
Yes, we are absolutely abundantly blessed. I've read that the people of Haiti live off of $2 a day. It's really miraculous to see how internationally people are bonding together to reach out and help offer aid to Haiti. Thanks for highlighting our post with ways to contribute.
Hey Em, just thought I'd add...
My friend Melanie and I are working on putting together a quilting bee in the next week or so. We've been in touch with LDS Humanitarian Services and apparently that is their greatest need. We're still looking for donations of batting and thread and of course volunteers to help put it all together! Have people contact me at if interested, more details to follow!
We are blessed. I gave today. It's the only thing we can do.
I'm watching videos on cnn right now. It is just soooo horrible.
I gave through World Vision, but I think I will give more. It's just too awful.
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