I have yet to attend a blogging conference. I was all set to hit BlogHer in Chicago with Daria from Boutique Cafe but our sponsor had to pull out at the last minute. Because of the high price tag (conference plus flight plus hotel) neither of us could attend. We ended up moving right around that time so it all worked out for the best, but I was still a bit sad I couldn't go. Then I heard about all the swag drama and how many gals didn't even attend sessions because they were up too late partying the night before at one of many VIP events. I ended up feeling rather glad I didn't fork out the money--if I want to stay up late with girlfriends I can easily do that locally and I get to sleep in my own bed!
With the plethora of blogging conferences out there it's hard to know which ones to attend. For many of us it's not in the budget to attend more than one or two a year. Not only is money hard to come by but also babysitters, and if I'm going to finagle a babysitter (my mother-in-law) and spend my family's grocery money on a conference it sure as heck better be worth it.That's why I love Resourceful Mommy's recent post: "The End of Blogging Conferences?"
Someone a few years back invented the first blog conference and likewise the blog conference format, not realizing, of course, that the format would be repeated over and over and over. ..."
She goes on to highlight what makes a typical blogging conference and why it needs to change. Plus you simply MUST check out the photo she includes in the post. I am still laughing! I feel her post is spot on and definitely worth a read. And if you're not following Resourceful Mommy on Twitter, follow her here: @ResourcefulMom. In my opinion she's one of THE women to follow.
she really is I have watched her as an example in the blogging world since I got in the game!
I alway get jealous of people who get to attend all of the blogging conferences. Being a working Mom, I feel like I already spend so much time away from my growing family...I just can't stand being away for even a few days if it is just going to be partying. I want to do it once though, just to say that I have experienced it.
I hear you, Sell...Party of 3. I've only been to Moms Who Make It, which was wonderful, but am always torn between spending time away from family and networking with other women. I'd love to go to one stellar one for sure, but how to choose?
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