Like many of you whenever I come across a great blog post or tempting recipe or wonderful online resource, I add it to my browser's bookmarks (in its appropriate folder, of course). Because Friday has typically been food for thought friday around here I have more than my fair share of food-related bookmarks in that folder. I'm starting to crumble under the weight of them all so today I thought I'd simply choose ten, which you can click on and browse at your leisure.Sure, it's the lazy way to do things but with my holiday schedule--and new website's layout itching to be designed--it's all I've got. Next week you might be lucky enough to find ten more. (I collect online bookmarks like my daughter collects stray insects for pets.) By the way, I am still anxious to post those laundry tips and the photo of Mr. Maytag Repairman and hope to do so on Monday!
- The Mother Load: Our Favorite Hot Cocoa Mix (This one is perfect for the holidays!)
- Savor the Success: Swiss Mac & Cheese Recipe (I have yet to make homemade macaroni and cheese my family likes. If you have a great recipe comment below!)
- Sarah's Cucina Bella: Love It: Roasted Garlic and Artichoke Bread (You'd definitely be the favorite at the next holiday party!)
- Taste of Home: Chocolate Mallow Fondue Recipe (Fondue is a New Year's Even tradition with my in-laws. We love it!)
- Noble Pig: Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Dip (I'm thinking ahead to Superbowl Sunday...)
- The Pioneer Woman: Monkey Muffins (We make a version of this in a bundt pan and LeShan has another recipe that uses butterscotch pudding--click here for her version.)
- Two Peas and Their Pod: Cranberry Orange Scones (These would be yummy Christmas morning.)
- stephmodo: Lemon Curd (I still know very little about lemon curd but someday I'll learn! Do you make it/use it and if so, how and for what? This link has how you can use it and includes a link to Gourmet mag's lemon curd recipe.)
- notes from my food diary: Virginia Light Rolls (Everyone needs a good dinner roll recipe, right? I have one but it's a closely guarded secret...okay, you can find it by searching for "sweet dinner rolls" and clicking on the one with over 1k ratings...but don't tell!)
Image by Muffet, shared via Flickr.
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